Areas of Specialty
Eating Disorders
Dietitians are a vital component of the treatment team needed by those strugling with eating disorders of all types, ranging from anorexia and bulimia to binge-eating and ARFID. Working alongside your therapist and physician, RDNs work to assess a client's degree of malnutrition, identify problematic dietary behaviors and strategies to overcome these barriers, develop a meal plan to support nutrition rehabilitation, evaluate progress, and provide ongoing support throughout your recovery journey.
Chronic Dieting - End the Cycle
The "diet world" is a multi-billion dollar industry for a reason: diets are addictive and yet they just don't work! Scientific research is clear that extreme, restrictive dieting intended to induce weight loss and improve your health is far more likely to cause long-term harm than long-term benefits. Learn how to end the cycle of weight loss and regain, develop a healthier relationship with food, liberalize your diet and your thoughts, and enjoy eating again - all while protecting and/or improving your health for good.
Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric (weight loss) surgery isn't the right choice for everyone, but for some people it is both life-saving and truly game-changing. If you have been advised or approved by a physician to pursue bariatric surgery and are in need of a pre-operative evaluation for insurance authorization, or if you have already had surgery and are seeking guidance to support the lifelong dietary changes that are necessary for long-term success, schedule an appointment for the services you need and we will help speed along your progress.
Weight Managment vs. Health at Every Size (HAES)
There is no one health goal or weight target that is right for everyone. For many people, diet and lifestyle changes seeking only to improve your overall quality of life, without a focus on weight loss, can be highly effective and satisfying. For some, however, reducing the pull of gravity on your body (i.e. weight loss) by even 5-10% can have major immediate impacts on health and daily function. We can discuss your thoughts, history, and goals and decide on the plan of action that is right for you.
Want to know more? REQUEST a free consultation:
Or, if you're ready to get started, SCHEDULE an appointment today!
New Clients: During your 90 minute assessment appointment, you and your dietitian will discuss your health status, lifestyle, experience, and goals, and develop an initial action plan to get you started on your way!
Bariatric Patients: During your 60-90 minute pre-op evaluation, your dietitan will learn more about you, provide you with detailed guidance for the pre- and post-op diet requirements, and submit the evaluation to your bariatric provider for insurance approval.